i am the sand and You the waves.
You surround me
You crash onto me
bringing refreshing
You shape me
As the waves do the coastline
You break off of me that which is unnecessary
You cause my pebbles to become smooth and polished
Beautiful to the eye and hand
You are violent crashing
And sweetest gentle lapping on me
You are turbulent and roiling
Gorgeous raw power
Strength no man can fetter
Might and Force
So much a part of me
You cannot separate the water from the sand
They are one
Your tides of lust rise and fall
You fill my low areas
You recede and allow me to breathe again
Without ever leaving me
You can not have one without the other
The sand and the water kiss
As the dawn kisses day
And dusk the night
There is ever changing, ever forming
Ever something new in the waves and the complexion of the sand
You are endlessly creative
As two waves are never, ever the same
You are the sound and smell of the Ocean in me
The thunder roaring deep and true
The sand is silent but her gorgeous nature is clear
You can put Your toes in her
Heat of the surface gives way to cool refreshing depths
Her nature gives so much
Children building sandcastles and soft place to run
Treasure of shells and seaglass dwell in her
Driftwood and kelp
Adornments beautiful
She stretches out before You
No one can claim the sand but the Ocean
No one can count her grains
But the Ocean encompasses them all
Your salty depths
my yielding
the ways i reveal my Love for You are as the grains of sand....